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These Two. In Farm Country. A Comedy.


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"Hicksters is exactly the type of show we need these days - stories about Muslim and Arab Americans and their place in this diverse country of ours. On top of that, the show is sweet and funny, so it wins on all fronts!"

- Mouzam Makkar

(The Fix, Champions

Creative Team

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Hicksters creator, Christina (Salam Ghubril) Wren, is a first generation mixed kid who spent her life moving between landscapes and cultures. Her dad is from the Middle East, her mom is from the American Midwest and she was raised between Iowa and inner city Pittsburgh before moving to New York City to study and come of age, like you do (shout out to the alma mater, NYU!). Christina dreamed up the crazy world that became Hicksters, plays the lovable Ruby Hadid-Robinson, wrote the pilot and a handful of episodes and compiled a team of amazing artists (and a bit of fairy dust) to bring this dream to life (shout out to fairy dust)

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Christina's husband / baby-daddy, filmmaker, Demetrius Wren, was raised in Georgia and Mississippi and is passionate about telling stories that feature communities often overlooked or mis-portrayed by the media. He wrote Episode 2 of Hicksters, co-wrote the finale and directed/shot/edited the heck out of the entire series. Not to mention listened to Christina hash out her ideas over the last 5 years and encouraged the entire process into being. And used his vacation days to chill on a farm in rural PA and film Season One. While also being a stellar husband and father.  Sorry folks, he's taken.


Rachna Khatau (Baby Daddy, Big Bang Theory) approached Christina in the early stages of Hicksters' development and said, "I want in," to which Christina replied "Hell to the yeah." Rachna brought her background in comedy, mixed families and midwestern living, contributed to the overall tone and story arc and wrote the shiznitt out of Episode 3. She also jumped on board as a producer while delightfully playing the role of Shilpa. 'Cause she can do it all like a boss.

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Madilynn Beck has a sharp tongue, quick wit and is whip smart so when she took interest in Hicksters it was an immediate, "Yes, please" from Christina. With her background in writing and navigating between urban and rural America, Beck brought hilarious punch ups, mad support and energy and penned an amazing script for Episode 5 while simultaneously completing grad school, writing a book and raising two beautiful children. Yes, she's impressive.

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